2 min readAug 4, 2024
Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash

I think one of the worst things in life is waiting for uncertainty.

If I could bypass any phase in life, I’d definitely choose to skip the phase filled with uncertainty in everything.

But what can we do?

Every day, we’re surrounded by the unknown in all areas of life.
We’re unsure when the bus will arrive.
We’re unsure when we’ll find our soulmate.
We’re unsure of what’s coming in the next minute.
We’re unsure if we’ll land that job.
We’re unsure when misfortune might strike.

Life has a peculiar sense of humor. We often chase after things that are uncertain, thinking we’ve got them nailed down, only to miss the target. We set ambitious goals, but the results often fall short of our expectations. Expectations can be deceptive like that. We frequently find ourselves with sky-high hopes, only to be disappointed and even resentful, thinking,

“If only I hadn’t done that, things would’ve turned out differently.”

And once again, we silently scream within.

The same goes for the uncertainty of doing good for others. You extend kindness to someone, but there’s no guarantee they’ll reciprocate. It seems like people only show up when they need something or when they’re in a pinch.
In moments like these, genuine kindness becomes incredibly precious. Many people act with sincerity, but just as many exploit others.

Isn’t uncertainty fascinating? The more we try to forecast how life will unfold, the more exhilarating it becomes. Our expectations continue to shape everything. It’s as if the lessons of yesterday weren’t enough to teach us wisdom and balance.

The world is far from predictable.
Today, you might be standing at the pinnacle of success, but don’t be surprised if, in an instant, your life takes a complete 180-degree turn, in a way you never saw coming.

Today, you might feel like you’re at rock bottom, trapped with no clear path forward. But if life decides to shift, you could find yourself soaring to new heights overnight. Isn’t that extraordinary?

But that’s life. There are countless things we can’t predict or quantify, not even with all the knowledge in the world. As time passes, we begin to see why certain things happen and how they interconnect with other events.

So, embrace the uncertainty in life! And don’t forget to celebrate it!